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04 June, 2010

Cutting Kristen Some Slack!

Hollywood.com -Laremy Legel

We Should Cut Kristen Some Slack.

Earlier in the week, when pondering the nature of photo shoots, Kristen Stewart was quoted as saying:
"The photos are so ... I feel like I'm looking at someone being raped. A lot of the time I can't handle it."

This is, at the very least, an insensitive statement. But let's consider the context here. Kristen Stewart is 20, and she's been in the public eye since she was twelve. Think of the mistakes you made at 20. Now think of doing a couple hundred hours of press a year. How many strange things would you say? If you were constantly asked the same question, how long would it take you to get tired and start throwing out some nonsense?

Yes, it's true that K-Stew doesn't love being in the public eye, but it's pretty strange that our culture thinks lesser of her for that. What if Ms. Stewart just wants to act, to create? Why should knowing how to give a bland interview have anything to do with that process? Detractors will point out that by accepting the role of Bella Swan she gave up any hope of a non-celebrity life. But she made that call when she couldn't even legally vote! Stewart is an honest person, and as such she can't fake "wanting" to participate in interviews and photo shoots. But instead of commending her for that fairly logical stance we trot her out to face the discomfort again and again. The issue isn't with Stewart. It's with our culture's constant craving for celebrity controversy.

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